Hi William, I just stumbled onto your writing, and I've really enjoyed it so far. I too resonate with Mako Fujimura's use of mearcstapa! In this piece when you mentioned how certain critics have the ability to make us appreciate works of art, it made me think of Ekphrasis. When I was introduced to this idea, it made me realize writing on art can be so powerful. Keep it up!

P.S. I know Mako talks about "Culture Care" vs. "Culture Wars." Do you have any thoughts on the term "Critic" and its, at times, negative connotation? Is there another word for it, or do we just need to revise how we think about Critics? It's something I was wondering about lately. Thanks!

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Hi, and thanks for your words of appreciation! I'm glad to hear you are enjoying my writing. I do have some thoughts about critics; it seems people easily just take the word as a negative descriptor, but rather than make a new word we ought to just not forget the other roles critics can fill in the art ecosystem. They can be historians, advocates for the new, ambassadors . . . as Mako says, the way of the bordersalker is hard at times but I do believe critics are uniquely able to accomplish that role adroitly. I wrote about critics here if you're interested: https://www.ruins.blog/p/art-criticism-is-culture-care

Hope that helps! If you have any other thoughts you'd like to share, my email is on my substack profile here: https://substack.com/@williamcollen

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